Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kylie Kwong's fried eggs and Terrific Trang in West End

So I've been back at work full-time (after over a year of maternity leave) and we are in the process of moving house. Everything is messy and I never seem to have the time or the ingredients that I used to during the stay-at-home housewife days.

This has resulted in quick food fixes. There is Kylie Kwong's egg recipe - simple (if you use chook eggs rather than duck). I add some stir fried greens to make this a well rounded meal and also drizzle lime juice over the end dish (obviously, the Toddler has her version sans the fresh chilli).

When any kind of cooking seems like to much trouble we have resorted to and old but wonderfully consistent haunt - Vietnamese at Trang in West End. We have a long history with this place - on the night my husband and I picked up my engagement ring we shared a half bottle of Moet over some of their do-it-yourself wrap-ups. Six years down the track I've been delighted to find out that the staff are very friendly to the Toddler and the Toddler loves the food. She has tried thick chicken noodle soup, the pho, shredded pork rolls and the vegetarian fried rice. They seem to have heaps of high chairs and the best thing is that the food arrives within minutes of placing the order (important if your Toddler is one hour past sleep time or is very hungry). The serves are so big that we have never had to order extra for the Toddler - she just eats a little of anything that we have ordered for ourselves and the cost never seems to be more than $28 for all three of us.

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