Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Top Quick Meals for Mummy and Daddy when Toddler is asleep

Shredded beef stir fried with sliced garlic, chilli and then so much broccoli and beans that you won't need to bother with rice. Finish by drizzling over a sauce of 1 part fish sauce, 2 parts lime, 1 part water and 1 part sugar. For the truly lime addicted add some lime zest to the sauce.

Potatoes baked in the oven with their skins on served with shredded raw cabbage, shredded carrot, red onion (which has been soaked in red wine vinegar for one hour to remove the acidity), stacks of shredded cheese, hot sauce and natural yoghurt.

Scrambled eggs cooked slowly in butter with fresh pepper at the end and no guilt about not eating a proper dinner.

Pasta drizzled with a sauce made out of olive oil, lemon juice and parmesan cheese. Rocket, baby spinach and/or canned tuna could also be added - just leave the whole lot on the heat long enough for the cheese to melt and the greenery to cook or the tuna to warm through.

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